“We are such stuff as dreams are made on…” Shakespeare once said and what is more beautiful than to create dreamlike moments for young children!

On Friday, 5th of April, we were more than happy to attend the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at Avlaia Theater, directed by Dimitris Adamis.  Robin “Puck” Goodfellow, the mischievous sprite with magical powers, beloved by all children, the in love young couples, Titania, the Queen of fairies with her beloved Donkey, and many more characters entangled in one of the funniest stories of all times. In this adaptation for children, the costumes and the setting were magical, aery choreography, exquisite music and songs!

Avlaia Theatre is a historic cultural space of Thessaloniki, active since 1936! It is hosted in the same historic building where YMCA Thessaloniki premises are. We appreciate the generous offer of the producers “Ginontai Erga” who gave the chance to children from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan attending the program of DIA-drasis to enjoy this classic theater play of the European cultural heritage.

