During the beginning of the project ‘DIA-drasis’ we sowed the seeds of multilingual and multicultural learning and almost one year later we were ready to reap the fruits of our hard work…

The Education Team of the project worked hard to develop a bilingual curriculum for the Early Childhood Education and Care program (ECEC) and an Educator’s Guide for Early Childhood Intercultural Activities program (ECIA). Each one serves different purposes. The ‘DIA-drasis’ ECEC Curriculum showcases our philosophy and principles, the approach and methods used, learning areas and goals that we focused and, of course, our daily schedule and suggested themes. The thematic units and the content that formed the curriculum were all applied during the school year 2018 – 2019. Of course, more and various materials were used in practice but these are the main suggestions of the Education Team. The ‘DIA-drasis’ ECIA Educator’s Guide is a useful tool for any teacher with interest in intercultural education. During this program all activities and workshops were designed in order to integrate intercultural elements. The Education Team and the associates of the program put on paper not only their ideas but how they implemented in their practice intercultural learning and carried out activities based on music, art, theatre/drama education and science.

Both editions were draw up collaboratively. In the ECEC Education Team participate: Olga Dermyshi, Evina Dimitriadou-Badawy, Bayan Rawdan, Fotini-Drossia Tzioutziou and Kely Gounaridou. In the ECIA Education Team participate: Despina Kokkidou, Fotini-Drossia Tzioutziou, Fatheme Raoufi and Maya Razavi, as well as our associates: Ioanna Pavlidou (Music educator), Stella Papadopoulou (Arts teacher, member of “Polydromo: Group for bilingualism and multiculturalism in education and society”), Rozalia Pozidou (educator, member of “Atelier for the Art of Imagination”), Jenny Karaviti, Meropi Kotta, Irene Marna and Antigoni Tsarbopoulou (drama/theatre pedagogues, members of the “Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network – TENet-Gr”).

Last but not least, in this endeavour we had the honour to have as our scientific advisor Prof. Roula Tsokalidou and the support of Aristi Tzoni, Head of YMCA Thessaloniki Social Action Sector, who had set in motion the whole project long before its actual beginning in October 2018.

Konstantia Liouza, Coordinator of DIA-drasis ECEC program

Chrysanthi Panagiotidou, Coordinator of DIA-drasis ECIA program




You can read or download both editions by the links below:
