‘Athirma’ [Άθυρμα] is an old Greek word that means ‘toy’, an object that we can play with… 

Learning through play is essential at “DIA-drasis: Child Centre for the Development of Social Skills” so ‘Athirma’ was a definite destination!

On the 1st of August DIA-drasis visited the NGO Athirma – Centre of Sociocultural Animation, Empowerment and Reflection “Palczynski” for a very special educational project. Athirma is a very friendly place in Epanomi, at the outskirts of Thessaloniki, with a lovely garden and learning stations all around. The team of facilitators of the NGO Athirma consisted of young students from Greece, unaccompanied young refugees from Alexandria site and two experienced trainers. Children with their parents enjoyed the educational challenges and explored the garden of the 5 senses, played with the tree house and express themselves in many creative ways in the natural environment.