On Friday, 17th of January, at the Child Centre DIA-drasis we welcomed the new year, 2020, with lots of wishes in many languages!


Children with their parents joined the celebration and had some group funny games to warm up! When all our guests arrived it was time for the new-year’s cake! In Greece is a custom to share a big cake with a hidden ‘gold’ coin. This coin is a symbol for healthy and fruitful year, like a good luck charm, for whomever finds it in his/her piece…


Mr. Ahmed was the lucky one this year! A wonderful person, always with the smile on his face despite any difficulties in his life, and so are his children that participate on a daily basis in the educational activities of DIA-drasis! We wish him all the best not only for this year, but for every year to come!


We would like to thank at this point everyone who makes the Child Centre better and better everyday, our teachers and volunteers of DIA-drasis. Also, our supporters in any challenge, July Vrohidou (member of the YMCA of Thessaloniki Council and Head of Refugee Committee), Aristi Tzoni (Head of Social Action Sector of YMCA of Thessaloniki), Evi Kompiadou (member of Polydromo: group for bilingualism and multiculturalism in education and society) and last, but not least, Paola Seremeti, Project Manager at Major Development Agency of Thessaloniki, our lead partner in DIA-drasis project.

We wish you all a…

Happy New Year

سال نو مبارک [Sale no mobark]

سالی نوئ پیروز [Sale noi peiroz] 

سنة سعيدة[Sunah saeydh]

Yeni Yılınız Mutlu Olsun

Bonne année

Καλή Χρονιά!