This month of May, 19 of our students took the official Modern Greek exams in May. While the results are pending, we extend our best wishes for their success. The levels at which they have been presented range from A1 to B2.

On another note, YMCA Thessaloniki has actively participated in the La Nomad festival. This festival is developed within the framework of the “La Nómad House” project, co-financed by the European program EUROPA CREATIVA. The project commenced in 2023 and is scheduled for completion by the end of 2024.

The primary objective of the project is to raise awareness among local communities on immigration and multiculturalism issues, promoting principles of inclusion and diversity through art. Participating countries include Greece, Belgium, Tunisia, France, Italy, and Germany. The coordinating partner of the project is the renowned Belgian Theater “Les Nouveaux Disparus”.

The project’s activities are diverse, encompassing intercultural theater workshops, exchange of best practices, educational meetings, scientific conferences across all participating countries, and the organization of multi-thematic festivals “La Casa Nómada” to be held in each country. The coordination and infrastructure for these festivals are provided by the project’s responsible organizer, “Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus”. This Belgian theater group, based in Brussels, is well-known for its performances that address contemporary social issues.

The United Societies of the Balkans is an urban non-profit company based in Thessaloniki. It participates as a partner in “La Nomad House” and oversees the organization of the festival in Thessaloniki.


Since 2019, YMCA Thessaloniki (as part of the consortium with MDAT S.A. and the
School of Modern Greek Language of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) has been a
partner of International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the implementation of
HELIOS project, which as of 2022 is financed by the Ministry of Migration and