Our teachers, Drossia and Evina, work at the Early Childhood Education and Care program at DIA-drasis. Everyday they have a little routine with the children to start their day… They form a circle and say ‘kalimera – sabah al kheir’ (that means goodmorning in Greek and Arabic) to each other along with some rhymes and games. Here is a favorite rhyme about friendship “You and I together, two friends – one soul” that the teachers usually sing with the children.


This is how we start our day as if we were together at DIA-drasis. How do you start your day?

Ο δικός μας τρόπος να ξεκινάμε τη μέρα μας χαρούμενα σαν να είμαστε στη ΔIA-δρασις. Εσείς πως ξεκινάτε τη δική σας μέρα;

احنا تعودنا دايما نبدأ يومنا بضحكة و سرور كما لو كنا في ذياذراسيس! انتوا يا ترى إزاي بتبدأوا يومكم؟


Καλή σας ημέρα! ? Να έχετε μία όμορφη και δημιουργική εβδομάδα! ?Good morning! ? We wish you a nice week, full of creative ideas! ?

Publiée par Drosia Tzioutziou sur Dimanche 3 mai 2020